Every now and then I see a lens on Squidoo.com that compels me to promote it with all my might. However mighty my might might be. (Say that with a full mouth. Only one time - but fast!)
Well, before I take my mouth too full with silly chit-chat, let's go straight to the subject of "saving money". The problem is - I don't have any. Money. To save.
Here's where Squidoo lensmaster extraordinaire, mulberry, comes to the rescue. Her page "Saving Money" offers a huge number of easy-to-do tips on how to cut down on your expenses. She does it "with heart". She knows just how hard it is to muster a saving consciousness when every cent seems to be "already spent before it's earned". Yet, there are possibilities you might not have thought of, unique ways of pinching a few which when added up over a year's length may buy you a family vacation. Go, browse mulberry's page, and save!
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