Is it too early to think about Valentine's Day 2009? Maybe.
Is it too early to think about personalized gifts expressing your appreciation? Never!
Sure, there's a lot of fluffy junk out there that serves only one purpose - to fill the gift merchants' pockets. However, personalized gifts can be a whole 'nuther story - it's the thought, that counts, right?
How about writing a love poem yourself? That "Cyrano de something" guy was pretty successful with that strategy - look it up! (Hint: Steve Martin) ;-) Then, send it in a gorgeous glass bottle to your honey!
Engraved jewelry, silver boxes, hearts on a key chain - all great stuff! But guess what...
Now they deliver absolutely fabulous gourmet meals (several courses) to your doorstep - all you do is heat them in your oven. No planning, shopping, prepping, cooking, serving, washing dishes - which makes these packages quite a bargain!
I made a page with lots of tips on personalized (Valentine) gifts. Some require a little bit of planning ahead - so go and check them out soon.
Chef Keem's Personalized Gift Ideas